First visitor to our new house - Large Pied Wagtail
We're finally moved,
and boy - it was rough!
We never even knew
we had so much stuff!
The lift is working,
the painting is all done,
All fixtures are fitted,
and the curtains are hung.
The boxes are unpacked
We've cleared all the mess,
we are now settled in
at our new Address.
For those who wondered if I was still on the planet, this is a "Here I am" post. Very much on planet earth. All I did was move house by 9kms.
Its been 2 weeks now, and things are beginning to feel like home. It has been a tough and very packed few months. The photos to process and upload are rising up like a tidal wave on me.
Getting back to the featured photo - this charming guy ( I'm assuming its a male ) is one of a happy group of wagtails that have colonized our apartment complex. Fearless little fellow sang happily on our living room balcony for several minutes, giving me time to get my camera and take just one shot before he moved on.
They have visited us a few more times, but no photo opportunities. Other visitors are swallows - wire tailed and red rumped. I had a close encounter with one the other evening, when it perched on the railing 2 feet away from my elbow. I was afraid to move for fear of scaring it away.
Other 'wild' visitors include a troop of monkeys ( yes, simians on the 9th floor! ) who stopped by the other day when we were at work and ate all of my lemon coloured marigolds. Fortunately they did no damage to the plant it self, and did not touch any other flowers.
With the year end approaching, the time has come to print our annual calendar. We're looking for new printers.. Suggestions welcome. Hoping to get back to regular posting schedule soon...
Wow! great!
firstly hearty congrats...
and welcome back!!!
I thought you were on the moon to collect some water ;)
happy posting!
Congratulations Rohini ! But I hope u keep going back to ur old home for some more Baghmane pics.
"I was afraid to move for fear of scaring it away."-u really love our feathered friends don't u ? :)
@Santosh: :) Thanks man.. and thanks for your continued visits and comments. Really feels good.
@Satish: Thanks.. And yes, I still work at Bagmane, so I visit daily :)
But you should know that we have traded in one lake for 2. There are 2 lakes; one on either side of our new house.
Though not within touching distance as before, but within a 2 km radius.
Still to go exploring... will keep updating you on that. :)
congrats on your moving into a new house.
wish you a great year too!
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