itinerary due to incessant rains. I therefore got to spend hours in our backyard.

Small Green Barbet - Megalaima viridis
Our backyard consists of an acre of undisturbed vegetation and supports a sizable
variety of bird and insect life. In this post, I will cover the resident bird population.
![]() Purple Rumped Sunbird (M) - Nectarinia Zeylonica | ![]() Red Whiskered Bulbul - Pycnonotus Jocosus |

Lesser Goldenbacked Woodpecker (F) - Dinopium benghalense
All shots were taken with the aid of the Canon Teleconverter lens, and the camera was tripod mounted. These snaps were taken over 3 days, during which I spent roughly 5 hrs a day, simply standing and waiting. I was richly rewarded for my patience.
![]() Magpie Robin (M) - Copsychus saularis | ![]() ![]() Black Headed Oriole - Oriolus Xanthornus |
I have now learnt, through bitter experience, that standing in one place and waiting often yields better results than chasing the birds. This holds true particularly for the tiny restless sunbirds. The Tailor bird however, valiantly resisted all efforts to be photographed, by sitting in the most inaccessible bamboo thickets.

Jungle Babbler - pair - Turdoides striatus
In addition to the photographed birds, the following were also sighted:
1. Jerdon's Chloropsis
2. Purple Rumped SunBird (F)
3. Tree Pie Couple
4. Coucal
5. Pariah Kite
6. Stork Billed Kingfisher
7. Koel
8. Longtailed Minivet (M)
9. Tailor Bird
10. White throated Ground Thrush ( race cyanotus)
Conspicuous by their absence this time were the Paradise Fly catcher
couple (Srilankan species) and The Coppersmith barbet.
Next post will cover the butterflies and other insects of Katapadi.